Sunday, August 8, 2010


7/4/1776 was 17Tammuz. While the Declaration of Independence was in the final process of signature, Jews around the world were fasting. It always fascinated me, this seeming coincidence; why that date, out of all dates.

While it has never been perfect, nor perfectly free of anti-Semitism, the US has been a haven for us. Not only are we free to be as Frum as we want to be, the non-Jews are really starting to be wonderful. During a work stay in Texas, I was amazed at all the people who basically stood up for me because I wore a Yomika. Indeed, there's a Christian leader (John Hagee) who's renounced converting Jews. He's said, publically, that when Moshiach comes, he'll let us know who's right. What more could we ask from non-Jews?

Still, the 17Tammuz thing. Then, it came to me last July 4th. 17Tammuz is all about breached defenses. Before, we could always blame our shortcomings on the Goyish Oppression. It was an excuse, maybe even a valid excuse. In this country, that defense has been breached. We cannot blame our failings on the Goyim. Our shortcomings are 100% our own responsibilities.

1 comment:

  1. Steve, I actually met John Hagee in person. Ask me about it sometime.
